Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

'I Don't Want to Die'

New Theories

At this juncture, new evidence suggested that neither Aubrey Otgaar, the owner of Sizzlers, nor any of the masseurs involved in the attack were the targets of a possible hit. Instead, two former Sizzlers masseurs, one of whom was run off by Otgaar for using drugs, had been the subjects of a fervent search by four white men in an older-model BMW in the days before the massacre. Their street names were Stephen and Maroewaan, and the men were looking for them in numerous gay massage parlors. After they left Sizzlers, Stephen and Maroewaan apparently moved up to Johannesburg, where they were believed to have wronged someone, possibly a gang, and returned to Cape Town to seek refuge. Hence the contracts on their lives. The theory continued that the killers believed the masseurs at Sizzlers knew where their former colleagues were, and tortured and finally murdered them, either to obtain the desired information or to send a message or both.

The police managed to find Stephen and questioned him for several hours. Maroewaan phoned the Cape Argus the next day and, after an interview, agreed to contact the police. He denied any involvement with gangs in Johannesburg, however, saying that he had last visited the city nine years previously when his brother had died. He stated that he was the only gay prostitute by that name in Cape Town, and consequently, there must have been some kind of misunderstanding.

Despite this disappointment, police still had much hope that fingerprints might be recovered from a roll of duct tape found at the murder scene. It was placed in a cabinet and fumed with cyanoacrylate (or superglue).

Police officers and crime scene tape guarded the house, but a growing sea of flowers was placed along the fence of 7 Graham Road. Messages were written on cards. You will always be in our hearts and we will never forget you. Roses and carnations attempted to bring some beauty after the horror inside. Love you alwaysmom and dad.

By Tuesday, January 22, Gregory Berghaus condition had deteriorated. He was on life support and his prognosis was poor. On Friday night he died.

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