Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Dian Fossey Life and Death



Gorillas in the Mist, Dian Fossey, Houghton Mifflin, 1983

Woman in the Mists: The Story of Dian Fossey and the Mountain Gorillas of Africa, Farley Mowat, 1987, Warner Books

Land of a Thousand Hills : My Life in Rwanda, by Rosamond Halsey Carr and Ann Howard Halsey, Viking, 1999

In the Kingdomof Gorillas: Fragile Species in a Dangerous Land, Amy Vedder and Bill Weber, Simon & Schuster, 2001

Newspapers and Periodicals

"Into Africa: Books Look at Jungle Researchers," by Jay Currie, Ottawa Citizen, Jan. 6, 2002

"Murder in the Mist Solved?," Animal Welfare Quarterly, Fall 2001

"Suspect in Dian Fossey murder arrested," by Andrew Osborn, the Guardian, July 28, 2001

"Following in Fossey's Footsteps," by Lin C. Parker, Chattanooga (Tenn.) News-Free Press, Aug. 18, 1996

"Fatal Obsession: The Jungle Death of Dian Fossey," by Alex Shoumatoff, Vanity Fair Magazine, September 1986

"Making Friends With Mountain Gorillas," by Dian Fossey, National Geographic Magazine, January 1970

Worldwide Web

International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda,

Dian Fossey Gorilla Fund International,

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