Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

John Dillinger


This feature story is primarily drawn from the Chicago Tribune, the Chicago Sun-Times, the Chicago Daily News plus major book sources on Dillinger:

Cromie, Robert and Joseph Pinkston, Dillinger: A Short and Violent Life, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1962

Girardin, George Russell, with William J. Helmer, Dillinger: The Untold Story, Indiana University Press, 1994

Helmer, William J., with Rick Matix, Public Enemies: Americas Criminal Past, Facts On File, Inc., 1998

Maccabee, Paul, John Dillinger Slept Here, Minnesota Historical Society Press, 1995.

Nash, Jay Robert, Dillinger: Dead or Alive, Henry Regnery Company, 1970

Nash, Jay Robert, The Dillinger Dossier, December Press, 1983

Nash, Jay Robert, Bloodletters and Badmen, "John Herbert Dillinger." M. Evans, 1995.

Purvis, Melvin, American Agent, Doubleday, Doran & Co. Inc. 1936

Quimby, Myron J., The Devil's Emissaries, A.S. Barnes, 1995.

Toland, John, The Dillinger Days, Random House, 1963.

Other sources used:

Gentry, Curt, J. Edgar Hoover: The Man and the Secrets. Penguin, 1992.

Powers, Richard Gid, The Life of J. Edgar Hoover: Secrecy and Power. Macmillan, 1987.

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