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Canadian Court Sentences Jasmine Richardson in Her Family's Murders

By David Lohr



Exhibit 66: Richardson to Steinke

Dear my loverly Bas——-

Please dont be sorry. I'm the one who needs to be begging your forgiveness If only we ran, yes but don't obsess on what could have been. In due time we shall have our castle. I am not whole without you. I love you with everything I am. I'll never stop and my promises shall be kept however desolate it seems and shall become take it one day at a time. It can only get so bad before it gets better. I will be with you in spirit. I hope your doing alright. However large a task please dont stress out to much. Having your sanity might be helpfull. More than anything I wish to be with you and hold you again. But until that time comes know I love you. In joy and sorrow my Sweet 666.

Exhibit 67: Steinke to Richardson

Dear Cuddlebunny:

I'm sure that you are right, what's done is done. You need not ask for my forgiveness. Indeed in due time our Empire shall be complete. Before you I was half and now that I am whole, I can't go back to being half. Your the air that I breathe, your my Moon when it breaks through the clouds at night, your all that I need. I long to feel your soft skin, I yearn for your kisses, for they could get me high. I hope that you stay true to your words. My entire faith has been bestowed unto you. With your words, I shall remain strong. For you. Sometimes I have troubles sleeping at night, but I'm sure the thought of you helps me get through the nights. In due tyme we shall be together once again... but until that day —— stay strong, keep hope and have faith! I love you with all my heart and soul! Never forget that ok my love. Till we speak again. xxoxox Jeremy

Exhibit 68: Richardson to Steinke

Never has a person affected me so much. Always will there be something missing without you with me. My lawyer tells me we're ledgends, ha, closer to imortality it would seem. Monday im being moved to Calgary. SADNESS. I need to stay in contact.

Exhibit 69: Steinke to Richardson


I love you more than life its self, I've added you to my visitors lists so once your released please visit often. Never forget how much I care or that I love you. We can keep writing each other till we can be together again. Without you this life isnt worth living. "kisses" The thought of being with you is all that is helping me stay some what sane. We shall be 2gether again I promise. Stay true to your promises and I shall to mine. Casey continues to lie. I wish I could hold you right now, stay strong and continue to write me please... I need you I love you I miss you! KISSES, XOXOXO

PS. U said you want to get engaged? Then here's a Q...Will U marry me? If so then it is a verbal agreement!

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