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David Ludwig -- An Online Portrait of the Alleged Killer and Kidnapper

By Steve Huff

David Ludwig in Hawaii
David Ludwig in Hawaii


LITITZ, PA (Crime Library) (Continued)

In an exchange of e-mails between this teen girl and Ludwig, she wrote the following — abbreviations, misspellings and punctuation are retained intact:

"I'm also sorry that I let "us" go as far as I did. I knew it waswrong. I think I even told you it felt wrong, but I never did anything about it. I guess I just believed that same old lie that somehow this one would be different. I'm sorry I didn't stand up for what was right more when I should have. But don't worry about me. As much as it hurts, I never go into something like that anymore thinking it's going to last forever [[i didn't expect it to be this short, though :-P]]. I regret that I became a stumbling block rather than encouraging you the way a sister in Christ should have, but I don't regret spending time with you or anything we did.

"Maybe you do, but I don't. I truly had fun and loved [[almost ;-)]] every minute of it. To be completely honest, I've never dated a guy that cared so much about me before or who actually tried to help me out when I was being a total biotch. You put up with a lot of shizit. Whether lust or love based, God can you use even if you don't mean him to. You were probably my best friend and really meant a lot to me. You really made me think...even before our little talk today."

It is unclear just how far Ludwig and this girl went, but what is clear is that due to her "little talk" with David Ludwig, she seemed to feel responsible for whatever they did, and appeared to actually apologize to David. Moreover, by the end of her e-mail to Ludwig, it is apparent that he has severed the deeper ties in their relationship, and the young woman seems worried about something else, as well:

"I also just thought I'd let you know that I put you on my AIM block list not because I don't like you or don't want to talk to you ever again, but because I do and I think for now I need to just let it go.

"I don't really expect you to reply to this or frankly even read the whole thing, but I just wanted to say thanks for talking to me and I'm sorry for this whole mess. I'm gonna miss you a lot. I'm gonna miss the calls, the emails, the cute things you said...ok so, frick, i'm gonna miss everything, but I guess it's for the best.

"After all God has a pretty good track record of bein right ;)"


David Ludwig's friend in Hawaii closes with a postscript that attempts to be light-hearted, and fails:


"please tell me if you're gonna tell my parents cuz I'd like to have a little warning before all hell breaks loose. thnx"


A weblog was found after Ludwig's arrest and the recovery of Kara Beth Borden that David Ludwig began with his friend, Sam Lohr — the same friend allegedly seen on the video referred to in Pennsylvania Court documents with Ludwig planning a home invasion, perhaps even murder, and going on "night raids." 

Ludwig and Lohr titled the blog The Barn 2005. Here is how they explained The Barn in the blog's user profile:


"7 years ago Greg Ludwig had a vision that this place would be used for "church." now 7 years later, God is beginning a work that is going to produce greater fruit than we can ever imagine; 30, 40, 50, a hundred fold! Our prayer is that The Barn may be a place of worship, where God is glorified, brothers and sisters in Christ are fed the meat of the Word, Jesus is worshipped, and God's will is advanced in His time..."


In a blog entry posted Friday, July 29, 2005, Ludwig wrote:


"For those of you who have abosolutely no idea what the heck I'm talking about here is the scoop, basically about 3 weeks ago both Sam Lohr and myself (David Ludwig) felt led to clean up the upstairs of my (the Ludwig's) barn to create a place that we could come to after our Monday night and Friday night youth meetings or at anytime to worship and dilligently seek Gods face.  The amazing thing about that is neither Sam or I knew the other was thinking/praying about that till about a week later.  Since than a bunch of us have gotten together twice to work on the barn and just amazing things have been truely is a miracle!!  God has enabled far more to be completed than any of us ever imagined!  Glory!  So now the need is to finish this project Lord willing before next monday.  Anyone is welcome to come once it is finished we only ask that you seek Gods face before you come to see if He wants you to be there.  If so, be welcome and come!"


An interesting question to ask here is how the July, 2005 creation of The Barn between Ludwig and Lohr dovetailed with their supposed plans to go on "night raids."

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