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Murderer of Kelsey Grammer's Sister Will Soon Be up for Parole

By David Lohr

September 7, 2007


DENVER, Colo. (Crime Library)   — In 1975, Freddie Lee Glenn brutally raped and murdered actor Kelsey Grammer's 18-year-old sister, Karen Alicia Grammer. Due to a U.S. Supreme Court ruling, Glenn's original sentence of death was commuted to life, and he is scheduled for a parole hearing in January. In a recent magazine interview, Kelsey said he has never recovered from his sister's murder, and he is prepared to do his part to see that her killer remains behind bars.

"Recently, I got news that the man who did this to Karen is now eligible for parole," Grammer, 52, told PARADE. "There is a hearing sometime later this year that I will attend. I am angry at him. I never had the opportunity to speak for my sister before. I will now."

Karen Grammer
Karen Grammer

On July 1, 1975, Glenn, then 18, along with two other men, kidnapped Karen as she walked into the Red Lobster restaurant where she worked — after they attempted to rob it. Angered over their foiled robbery, the men took Karen to an apartment Glenn shared with one of his accomplices. The three men then spent the next four hours brutalizing and raping Karen over and over again.

When they had finally satisfied their twisted desires, the men put Karen in a car and drove her down a narrow alleyway about a block away from the apartment complex. She pleaded for them to spare her life, and she probably felt the horrible nightmare was about to come to an end when they told her they were going to let her go and then opened the car door so she could step out and walk away. Alas Unfortunately, it was not to be.

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Murder of Kelsey Gramer's sister Karen by Psychopathic soldiers

Contact David Lohr  at           crimewriter74@adelphia.net

David Lohr

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