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Rekha Kumari-Baker Arrested For the Murder of Her Teen Daughters

By David Lohr



Yesterday one of the girls' friends created a memorial page on Bebo.com.  Early this morning a girl who identified herself as Rosie Wilkinson left this unedited message in the blog section of the profile:

"Davina was one of tho girls who took every thing in her stride!  she had good times n bad time, but she always new tht things would be ok.  She Lived life to the full and made the most of everything!  I know that she is lookin down on us shoutin her head off tellin us not 2 be sad!  like she sed 2 me once, Turn Your Sadness Into Gladness!!  Shes probz sat up there in the sky gettin pissed outa her head an havin alarf!  The time that i knew Davina was not long enough but i am so glad to of been 1 of her best mates and im glad to off been part of her life!!

Memorial Page
Memorial Page

"Jasmin i didnt know jasmine very well but she was such a lovely girl, always had a smile on her face and was always so kind!  whn i used to speek to her she was always soo sooo soooooo bubbely and funny and always had somin good 2 say!

Jasmine Baker
Jasmine Baker

"Her and her sister where best friend and every moment they spent togethere was treasured they loved eachother very much and i no that is 1 was with out the other they wouldnt wanna live! They left this world together like they always said Sisters Till The End.  Love you both.  Missin you both millions.  Sleep tight Angels!"

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Contact  David Lohr at           crimewriter74@hughes.net

David Lohr

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