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Fort Hood Soldiers Search for Sgt. Lawrence G. Sprader

By David Lohr



"What to say?  Well, I am half Korean and White.  I was born in Virginia, but currently reside in Texas," Lawrence wrote in the About Me section of his MySpace.com profile.  "I am a military brat who joined the military after high school.  I have been deployed twice and am about to serve my third rotation.  I enjoy what I do in the military and am looking to forward my progression in it.  It has made a big change in my lifestyle, which I am proud of.  If I hadn't joined, I would probably still be living at home working who knows where not able to support myself. 

Lawrence Sprader's Myspace Page
Lawrence Sprader's Myspace Page

"I like to hang out with my friends whenever I can and make new friends.  I like to laugh a lot and just have fun. I will try anything once, except if it's illegal or immoral.  If people need help, I do not mind lending a hand, but do not take my kindness for weakness.  I don't like fake friends who only want to say something when they want something.  If you don't want to talk to me, don't talk to me period.  Anyway, more about me is listed in the rest of my profile so just read."

For his interests, Lawrence listed spending time with friends, playing cards and shooting pool.  "Mostly I'm just trying to have a good laugh.  I'm open for anything.  I like to try anything at least once...legal.  Most of the time, I just invest my money and grow.  I guess there are some good points of [being] deploy[ed]."

Lawrence Sprader with his Mother
Lawrence Sprader with his Mother

In regard to his own personal heroes, Lawrence wrote, "Superman! Sike.  I would have to say my family.  Without them, I wouldn't have had the discipline to make it as far [as I did] in life.  They gave me a lot of love and encouragement even when I felt I couldn't make it anymore."

Since Lawrence's disappearance, the military has launched a massive coordinated effort to find him.  Search areas have been broken down into grids, and over 800 soldiers have been brought in to search Fort Hood's training range.  Dozens of ATV'S, Black Hawk helicopters, tactical vehicles, and C26 aircraft have scoured the land both day and night.  Nearly 9,500 acres have been walked on foot, and other than the discovery of Lawrence's score card in an undisclosed location, there has been nary a sign of him.

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Contact  David Lohr at           crimewriter74@hughes.net

David Lohr

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