The Vampire Killers
Forensic Evidence

Forensic odontologists can match the bite mark impressions on a body against the teeth of a suspect to decide if there's a match. Ted Bundy was convicted of murder with such evidence, and so was Wayne Boden.
A young schoolteacher, Norma Vaillancourt, was found murdered in 1968 in her apartment in Montreal, Canada. She'd been strangled, raped, and bitten all over her breasts. The crime was sadistic, but among her many boyfriends, there were no good suspects.
Only a day later, another victim was found in the same city in the same condition, and the bite marks were matched. Both women appeared not to have struggled, so it was assumed that they not only knew their attacker but may also have been engaged in something they wanted to do. It was similar to the way a vampire might seduce someone with a hypnotic trance before taking his meal.
In 1969, Marielle Archambault told coworkers that she felt entranced by a man she'd recently met. She, too, turned up dead, and similarly bitten. However, she had put up a struggle.
There were two more victims, one of them in Calgary, before the vampire was stopped in 1971. The police arrested Boden and an odontologist took an impression of his teeth to match to the wounds on each of the victims. The forensic expert had a fairly easy time of it, since there were so many different impressions to use.
Obviously caught, Boden finally admitted that he had killed these women while having rough sex. He would strangle them and then become frenzied with the need to feast on their breasts. Apparently, he figured, he just did it too hard.