Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

T. Cullen Davis: The Best Justice Money Can Buy


Articles from The Associated Press

August 1, 2001, BC cycle, State and Regional, Organization for crime victims, relatives stems from sister's grief, Angela K. Brown

November 10, 1979, PM cycle, Davis Acquitted And Glad It's Over, Kathleen Carroll

November 20, 1977, BC cycle, Harry F. Rosenthal And Mike Cochran

August 31, 1977, AM cycle Mike Cochran

August 23, 1977, AM cycle Mike Cochran

The Dallas Morning News, February 25, 2001,  So strange that we became friends; so sad that they're gone, Maryln Schwartz.

Dallas Observer , March 1, 2001 The Lady Vanishes;  Saying goodbye to Priscilla Davis, the non-socialite, Jimmy Fowler.

Articles from the Fort Worth (Texas) Star-Telegram

December 16, 2001  A Daughter's Quest, Mike Cochran

August 2, 2001, Acquittals of rich worry experts; 'Not Guilty By Reason Of Wealth', Mike Cochran

February 25, 2001, Death ends her human fireworks show; Priscilla Davis: An Appreciation, Mike Cochran

February 20, 2001, Priscilla Davis dies at age 59; Breast cancer claims life decades after Fort Worth mansion shootings, Mike Cochran

February 11, 2001 A Piece Of The Davis Puzzle; Nearly 24 years after the Cullen Davis murder trial, startling revelations about a prosecution leak, Mike Cochran

February 11, 2001, Aberrations in trial included portraits presented to jurors, Mike Cochran

Articles from The Houston Chronicle

February 18, 2001, Texas murder case takes a twist 24 years later;  Cullen Davis confirms bribery in acquittal, Evan Moore.

November 17, 1996 New Wrinkle; 20 years after acquittals in 2 sensational murder trials, ex-millionaire Cullen Davis is a bankrupt salesman, Evan Moore

Articles from Newsweek

August 13, 1979, Murder Most Texan; Blood Will Tell: The Murder Trials Of T. Cullen Davis.  By Gary Cartwright. Walter Clemons

November 20, 1978, A 'Racehorse' for Cullen Davis, Pete Axthelm.

April 4, 1977, CRIME: Texas Gothic, Richard Steele with Martin Kasindorf

The New York Times Magazine, December 30, 2001, The Lives They Lived: Priscilla Davis, B. 1941; Survivor's Gilt, Skip Hollandsworth

Articles from The Washington Post

November 10, 1979, T. Cullen Davis Acquitted in Murder-for-Hire Case

January 23, 1979, Jury Deadlocks in Cullen Davis' Murder Solicitation Trial,  Bill Curry

September 24, 1978, More Blood and Money; The Texas Tales - More Blood, More Money; The Texas Tale of Murder and Millions, of T. Cullen Davis and the Platinum Blond, And the Lawyer Called 'Racehorse',  Cynthia Gorney

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