The Mountain Meadows Massacre
Bagley, Will. Blood of the Prophets: Brigham Young and the Massacre at Mountain Meadows.
Bancroft, Hubert Howe. The Works of Hubert Howe Bancroft, Vol. XXVI. History of
Beadle, J.H. Life in
Brodie, Fawn McKay. No Man Knows My History.
Carleton, Brevet Major J.H. Special Report on the Mountain Meadow Massacre 57th Congress (House of Representatives) Document No. 605, 1st Session.
Denton, Sally. American Tragedy. The Tragedy at Mountain Meadows, September 1857.
Eliason, Eric A. Curious Gentiles and Representational Authority in the City of the Saints: Mormon life in 19th century literature. Religion and American Culture, June 22, 2001, No. 2, Vol. 11.
Gibbs, Josiah. The Mountain Meadows Massacre.
Hickman, Bill Brighams Destroying Angel: Being The Life,� Confession,� and� Startling Disclosures of� the� Notorious Bill Hickman, The� Danite� Chief� Of� Utah.� (Notes by J.H. Beadle)
Lee, John D. Mormonism Unveiled; Or The Life And Confessions Of The Late Mormon Bishop, John D. Lee. 1877.
Pratt, Parley. Autobiography.
Smith, Joseph Jr. 1832 account of his first vision. Recorded between Summer 1832 and November 1832. Archives of the
Smith, Elder Joseph F. and Richard C. Evans. Correspondence on Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage. 1905.
Stenhouse, Thomas B. H. Rocky Mountain Saints.
Stenhouse, T. B. H., Mrs. Tell it All: the story of a life's experience in Mormonism: An Autobiography. Hartford, Conn. A.D. Worthington & Co.,� 1875.
Roberts, B.H. The
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