Jeffrey Don Lundgren, Prophet of Death
Sin Exposed
On March 7, 1990, Richard Brand pleaded guilty to five counts of murder in exchange for leniency on the premise that he would cooperate with the state. Richard was obviously nervous during the proceedings and his hands shook uncontrollably as he signed the guilty pleas.
Throughout the months of April and May, Greg Winship, Sharon Bluntschly, Susie Luff and Debbie Olivarez all accepted plea-bargains offered by the prosecution. Greg pleaded guilty to five counts of murder while Sharon, Susie and Debbie pleaded guilty to five counts each of conspiracy to commit aggravated murder.
(David Lohr/Don Pender)
Jeff abandoned his fight against extradition and the California Supreme Court turned down Damon's appeal to avoid extradition. Police brought Jeff and Damon back to Ohio and incarcerated them in the newly constructed Lake County Jail located diagonally behind the courthouse.
(Duncan Scott, The News Herald)
On July 24, Alice Lundgren's trial began. From day one, defense attorneys argued that Alice was an innocent victim swept into the whole ordeal by an overbearing and domineering husband. One by one, the prosecution played its key cards and had its star witnesses come forward to testify about Alice's demeanor and her role within the group. When she took the stand, she attempted to portray herself as a victim of spousal abuse and explained how Jeff had threatened her life on numerous occasions when he doubted her loyalty. During closing arguments, the defense argued that there was no real evidence linking Alice to the deaths of the Averys; at one point comparing Jeff with Adolf Hitler. On rebuttal, the prosecuting attorney stated, "If Jeffrey Lundgren is Adolf Hitler, than Alice Lundgren is the Angel of Death, Josef Mengele."
It took the jury just one day to reach their verdict. As the court was called back into session, the jury forewoman handed over the verdicts. Alice smiled as the judge announced to the court that she had been found guilty on all counts. People throughout the courtroom applauded as the verdict was being read. Hard-nosed investigators and prosecuting attorneys had a difficult time keeping check on their emotions following the verdict. Judge Mitrovich sentenced Alice to twenty years in prison for each count of complicity to commit aggravated murder, and ten to twenty-five years for each count of kidnapping. All of the sentences were ordered to be served consecutively. All said and done, Alice Lundgren would not be eligible for parole for approximately one hundred years.
(Duncan Scott, The News Herald)
Jeffrey Lundgren's trial began on August 23, 1990. A barrage of law enforcement officers and medical examiners took the stand and described in detail the scene of the crime and the events leading up to Jeff's arrest. However, the most damaging of all evidence came from Jeff's former followers as they described the brutal deaths of the Averys and Jeff's utter lack of remorse. When it came time for the defense to present witnesses, not one person was called to the stand. Not surprising to the prosecution, Jeff himself refused to testify on his own behalf. During closing arguments, the prosecution took the jury back through the testimony and evidence and asked it to return with guilty verdicts on all counts. When it came time for the defense to present its closing arguments, attorneys attempted to present Jeffrey Lundgren as confused man who truly believed himself to be a prophet that was simply following his interpretation of scripture.
On August 29, after just two hours of deliberation, the jury found Jeffrey Don Lundgren guilty on all counts. Jeff showed little to no emotion as the verdicts were read. The penalty phase was set to begin on September 17.
During the penalty phase members of Jeff's family and various psychologists were brought in to testify on his behalf. Jeff himself even took the stand at one point. In a five-hour statement, Lundgren explained that he considered himself a prophet and God had told him through interpretation of scripture to kill the Averys. Dennis, Jeff stated, was a "false prophet" and "had to be killed" along with his family.
On September 21, 1990, two hours after retiring to deliberate, the jury returned with their recommendation that Jeffrey Don Lundgren be put to death five times over. Once again, Jeff showed no emotion as the verdict was read.