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Lack of Evidence Results in Release of Patrick Diya Lumumba in Meredith Kercher Murder Case

By David Lohr



In another surprise twist, Timesonline.co.uk is reporting that police are searching for "another couple" they believe may have been involved in Meredith's murder. The news agency reports that blood and "organic substances" found at the scene did not come from Knox, Sollecito, Lumumba or Guede. The evidence allegedly belongs to an unknown "male and a female," suggesting at least five people were present at the murder scene. Italian investigators have yet to confirm or deny these reports.

Meredith Kercher
Meredith Kercher

Meredith Kercher was found dead in her apartment on November 2. According to a report on the case authored by Judge Claudia Matteini of the Civil and Penal Tribunal of Perugia that was leaked to the media earlier this month and published by Timesonline.co.uk, police found "bruises" and "lesions" on Meredith's neck, suggesting she was "held by the neck, leaving bruising compatible with the pressure of fingers, and subsequently threatened with a knife held to her throat... Bruises indicate a sexual act carried out or attempted in a hurry or against the girl's wishes."

Raffaele Sollecito
Raffaele Sollecito

When Knox first spoke with police, she told them she was not home when Meredith was murdered. She said she had spent the night with Sollecito and when she returned the following morning, she discovered the apartment had been ransacked. However, during interrogation Knox broke down and admitted to being present when Meredith was killed.

"Patrick and Meredith were in Meredith's room, while I had stayed in the kitchen," her published confession reads. "I can't remember how long they were together in the room, but I can only say that at a certain point, I heard Meredith screaming, and I was scared, so I covered my ears. After that, I don't remember anything; my head is very confused... I can't remember if Raffaele was there that night. I remember waking up in his bed at his house and that I went back to my house where I found the door open."

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