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Friends of Missing Nonnie Dotson Shed Light on Her Fear of Former Lover

By David Lohr



Nonnie then describes the type of man she is looking to meet, "Someone who is open, honest and most importantly not afraid to be themselves..." At the end of the profile is a section titled "I'djust like to add."  Within that section Nonnie describes her current situation.

"I am an ICU nurse in the Air Force with 6 months to ago [sic].  I am blessed to have the opportunity to meet so many people and be touched by my patients everyday as they teach me something new about life.  I am looking for a friend, I believe that in order to have a meaningful relationship with a partner you must be friends first...Life is a gift; enjoy it while you have it because it can end in a heartbeat!"

Nonnie Dotson
Nonnie Dotson

Many of her friends from MySpace say it would be out of character for Nonnie to disappear of her own free will.  Below are just three of the responses I have received.  I removed the authors identifying information, as I did not feel it was relevant to this story.

——- Original Message ——-

"David, I'm a good friend of Nonnie's; and one of her regular dance partners here in the San Antonio area. I've always enjoyed dancing with her and making her smile and laugh.  I know she would not have left her daughter for any reason if she was going to disappear intentionally.  Her daughter is the center of her life and meant the world to her.  She was fighting tooth and nail for full custody and the child support due to her from her baby's father and was putting up with and dealing with the stress of the regular court appearances as well as could be expected from anyone.  She wouldn't even go out most nites [sic] past 10pm without calling and checking up on her daughter at least once and hardly ever stayed out past 10:30."

Nonnie Dotson with daughter
Nonnie Dotson with daughter (Nonnie's MySpace page)

——- Original Message ——-

"I am an RN that works with Nonnie...I will tell you that Lt. Dotson is a very loving and dedicated mother.  Her baby has always been her first priority...  Although she was not enamored with the military way of life, she only had a few months to go in her service commitment. I think any talk of her disappearence [sic] being related to her military commitment is ridiculous.  I, like many of her friends here, are very worried.  We hope and pray for her safe return every day.  Any help or information is greatly appreciated."

Nonnie Dotson with Savannah
Nonnie Dotson with Savannah (Nonnie's MySpace)

——- Original Message ——-

"Nonnie and I worked together at [redacted] in the Intensive Care unit...She told me she was having a very nasty custody battle over her daughter Savannah, but that she had won the case and her ex wasn't taking advantage of the supervised visitation.  I don't know any details, just that she was frightened of Savannah being alone with her ex.  She didn't tell me why."

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New Insight Shows Nonnie Dotson's Personal Life Was Less Than Happy

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