Crime Library: Criminal Minds and Methods

Murder, they blogged

Kevin Ray Underwood: Cannibal

Jamie Rose Bolin
Jamie Rose Bolin
On April 17, 2006, FBI agents found 10-year old Jamie Rose Bolin's body in a plastic tub in Kevin Ray Underwood's bedroom in Purcell, Okla., along with skewers and meat tenderizer. Underwood, a shy 26-year old grocery store clerk, had long lent his sick thoughts free range to ramble on MySpace and on Blogger, under the now-eerie motto, "Like what you like, enjoy what you enjoy, and don't take crap from anybody."

"If you were a cannibal, what would you wear to dinner?" he once wrote on his blog, Strange Things Are Afoot at the Circle K (

He answered himself: "The skin of last night's main course."

If his sickness was a deep and lengthy one and his verbalization extensive, young Jamie Rose's involvement was accidental. She'd been missing just a few days when the FBI found her and arrested Underwood. She had gone to the library and never come home. Her only involvement with this twisted young man? She and her father happened to reside upstairs from Underwood in the apartment complex where Underwood lived alone with his pet rat. Among Underwood's neighborshe'd also considered an adult woman and an older child as his targetsbespectacled Jamie Rose had been the smallest and weakest, the easiest target in his sights as he prepared to explore his obsession with human flesh.

Kevin Ray Underwood
Kevin Ray Underwood
This old railroad town, perched on a bluff above the Canadian River in central Oklahoma, is known, if at all, for its horse farms and its proximity to Norman and the University of Oklahoma. Needless to say, this gruesome killing shook the town. County officials responded quickly.

Prosecutors at trial demonstrated how Underwood abducted the girl, bludgeoned her with a wooden cutting board and strangled her with duct tape and his bare hands. He sexually assaulted the girl after killing her, and authorities believe that he planned to dismember her, drain her blood and eat her corpse.

We're Following
Slender Man stabbing, Waukesha, Wisconsin
Gilberto Valle 'Cannibal Cop'